Individual Cover Services
Individual Cover Services
Most experts agree that life, health and income are the three types of insurance you really should have. If your employer doesn’t offer the cover you feel if right for you, and you need some advice, give me a call. Insurance can be expensive, but not having it could be far more costly.

Term Assurance
This is an insurance policy that provides coverage for a fixed period of time. A payment is made as one lump sum in the event of death providing financial security for your dependents. Most people have this as a minimum to cover a mortgage.

Whole of life cover
This cover helps your family when it matters most, ensuring that they can continue their lifestyle even if you are not there to help them. Life cover stays in place for your entire lifetime, paying out a lump sum if you die.

Critical Illness
Protects you and your family against the financial strains that loss of income and the cost of care during a critical illness can bring. I’ve been helping families with this type of cover for many years and will advise you throughout the process to ensure you get the right level of cover.

Income protection
Loss of income due to illness is a worry for most families. Your lifestyle relies on your income but if you became ill or had an accident that kept you off work for considerable time, income protection cover would pay out a regular income. If you’d like to look at options to suit your circumstances give me a call on 07958 221939.

Family Income benefit
A useful option for families trying to budget when you are not around to help them yourself. It works in a similar way to life insurance except the payment is in monthly instalments. It’s a cost-effective way to keep track.